Tasmanian Community Football Facilities Fund 2024

This is a preview of the TCFFF Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


The Tasmanian Community Football Facilities Fund will assist our clubs and stakeholders in securing significant financial commitment from the various levels of government, other sport user groups, sponsors, local community and business organisations, land developers, club foundations, and/or other strategic partners to contribute towards funding the improvement of existing or provision of new football facilities.

Each community venue is audited annually to measure against our preferred standards for the level of football being played there. When combined with demographic and participation mapping and data systems, our staff and club volunteers are empowered to collaborate with their local government authorities, land owners and others to plan collaboratively and effectively for the future health of our game.

The Tasmanian Community Football Facilities Fund's aim and objectives will guide the AFL National Facilities Panel’s assessment criteria, listed later in the guidelines, to measure the impact that proposals may have on our sport.


Support the provision of well positioned, welcoming, accessible, fit for purpose football facilities that support our growing game’s strategic priorities in Tasmania.


  • Provide fit for purpose, inclusive and accessible facilities that cater for a diversity of participants that wish to participate in our game.
  • Maximise available carrying capacity of existing venues and the quality/functionality of supporting infrastructure.
  • Develop increased supply through construction of new ovals, especially in growth areas.
  • Develop venues to support high performance and talent pathways for players and umpires.
  • Provide welcoming and functional facilities that enhance the experience for volunteers and spectators.


Please ensure that as the applicant you have previously discussed your proposal / project with your respective AFL State or Territory body and they are aware of and have encouraged you to complete this application. 

How much funding could a project receive?

Your respective AFL Tasmania representative should be fully aware of how much you are seeking from the AFL via this application. 

Generally, the amount requested from this fund would not exceed 10% of the anticipated total project cost, however the fund may consider a request greater than 10% of the anticipated total project cost in exceptional circumstances, where a project is deemed by the AFL to be of exceptional strategic importance.

A strategic projects category for projects that clearly demonstrate National or State significance may be accessed for a project deemed to meet such a definition by the AFL.

Demonstration of National or State significance will be easiest to demonstrate for projects relating to those venues capable of, for example, hosting AFL, AFLW, pre season matches, NAB league or other key talent pathway venues for players and umpires.


Projects that focus on enhancing facility elements that are critical to growing and sustaining participation in football will be considered favourably.

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Development of new football ovals and amenities, both in traditional and more innovative settings.
• Upgrades to player and umpire change facilities and amenities, particularly conversion to accessible and welcoming female friendly change facilities.
• Playing surface upgrades and extensions of the playing area.
• Football lighting installations or upgrades.
• Projects that protect a football facility against the impact of climate change (i.e. warm season grass conversions, water re-use projects).
• The upgrade or development of multi-use facilities where football is a key user/beneficiary.

Ineligible projects include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Projects that do not align with objectives of the Fund
• Projects that do not meet relevant Australian standards (e.g. lighting projects) and do not closely adhere to AFL Preferred Community Facility Guidelines.
• Projects that are deemed to have little positive impact on participation levels in Australian Football.
• Projects that require ongoing funding assistance.
• Projects that will receive AFL related funding support through a separate program avenue that is co-funded via the Australian Football Facilities Fund.
• Requests for ongoing assistance with operational costs.
• Routine or cyclical maintenance works.
• Requests for equipment.
• Retrospective funding for a project that has already commenced or has been completed.