2025 Australian Football Facilities Fund
Submissions are now being accepted.
Guidelines, deadlines or application questions:
Contact: Please refer to the AFL Australian Football Facilities Fund 2025 Guidelines for your relevant State/Territory facilities development staff member and quote your application number.
Guidelines: The Australian Football Facilities Fund Guidelines are circulated by you AFL State and Territory bodies.
Application support: Contact Amber Koster, AFL National Community Football Venue Lead via email at amber.koster@afl.com.au
SmartyGrants Assistance: For help with using the SmartyGrants form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Navigating the Application form:
- You are able to begin anywhere in this application form. Please ensure you save as you go.
- Every screen (page of the form) has a form navigation contents box. Click the link to jump directly to the page you want as it links directly to every page.
- Click 'next page' or 'previous page' on the top or bottom of each page to move forward or backward through the application.
Saving the draft application:
- To leave a partially completed application, press 'save' and log out.
- When you log back in and click on the 'My Submissions' link at the top of the screen, you will find a list of any applications you have started or submitted. Reopen your draft application and start where you left off.
- To download any application, whether draft or completed, as a PDF. Click on the 'Download' button at the bottom of the application navigation panel.
Submitting your application:
- A Review and Submit button is at the bottom of the Navigation Panel so you can review before you submit.
- To submit, click on ‘Submit’ at the top of the screen or navigation panel.
- All compulsory questions need to be answered before you are able to submit.
- Once you have submitted your application, no further editing or uploading of support materials is possible.
- Upon submission, an automated confirmation email along with a copy of your submitted application attached will be sent to the email you registered with SmartyGrants.
If you do not receive a confirmation of submission email then you should presume that your submission has NOT been submitted.
Attachments and Support Documents:
- Attachments can be used to support your application. Save documents to your computer or storage device prior to uploading.
- You need to allow enough time for each file to upload before trying to attach another file. Files can be up to 25MB each; however, we do recommend trying to keep files to a maximum of 5MB – the larger the file, the longer the upload time.
Completing the application in a group/ team:
- A number of people can work on an application using the same log in details as long as only one person is working at a time. Ensure you save as you go.
Spell Check:
- Most internet browsers (including Firefox v2.0 and above; Safari; and Google Chrome) have spell checking facilities built in – you can switch this function on or off by adjusting your browser settings.